Rubicon's Edge Consulting

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What’s a “Rubicon” and Where is its Edge?

The Rubicon was a stream separating ancient Rome from the province of Gaul that gained historical significance when Gaius Julius Caesar crossed it with his army, an act that sparked a civil war and led to the downfall of the Roman Republic. The phrase "crossing the Rubicon" has come to symbolize an irrevocable event or point of no return.

The word "edge" implies being on the brink, the boundary, or the forefront. Rubicon’s Edge supports its clients when they are at the edge of their comfort zones, facing the challenges and uncertainties that come with significant life changes. Rubicon's Edge Consulting recognizes the emotional and practical complexities inherent in these moments and offers professional guidance and support to individuals and families as they navigate their own Rubicon, embracing new points of no return both figurative and literal.

Rubicon's Edge Consulting helps individuals navigate critical life moments that are akin to crossing the metaphorical Rubicon. These moments may include end-of-life transitions or major life changes where individuals stand at the edge of a significant shift or transformation. The "edge" is the boundary between familiar territory and uncharted waters, signifying a point where individuals confront profound challenges, uncertainties, and emotional complexities.

Rubicon's Edge Consulting aims to provide support, guidance, and expertise to individuals and families as they face these critical junctures in their lives and deaths, offering assistance and resources to empower clients during times of vulnerability, decision-making, and personal growth.

Our primary focus areas are:

End of Life Doula Services

Bereavement Support

Life Transitions Coaching